Artwork information Event Tickets (black-light ink), A7, printed on one side
- Data format (incl. 2 mm bleed): 7,8 x 10,9 cm
- Trimmed size: 7,4 x 10,5 cm
- Special requirements for creating the artwork:
- certain specifications apply to blacklight ink
- Numbering (no letters or special characters); the numbering can be positioned at your choice
- Horizontal or vertical alignment of the numbers and perforations as desired
- Numbering area min. 24 x 6 mm. Numbering font size: 12 pt. Numbering colour: black.
- Numbering is only possible on one side
- Allow for a margin of at least 5 mm between the edge of the product and the numbering area.
- Resolution: 300 dpi
- Include a surrounding trim of 2 mm, important information should be at least 4 mm from the edge of the final format size
- Fonts must be completely imbedded or converted to curves
- colour mode: CMYK, FOGRA51 (PSO coated v3) for coated paper
- We will not check for spelling and/or typographical errors
- We will not check for overprint settings
- Comments will be deleted and not printed
- Form field content will be printed
- In addition to your artwork files, please upload a view file to illustrate the numbering positions (example: "view_only_.pdf").
- Specify the start number of the consecutive numbering in this view file if applicable. If you do not specify a start number, the numbering will begin with 000001.
Product details
- Four-colour print on the front (four colours plus one spot colour), reverse blank (5/0)
- Forgery-proof due to security ink that is only visible under black light (UV light)
- The black light-safety colour is visible for the human eye under UV light with a wavelenght of 330-380 nm.
- Individual black-light motif with up to 30 % area coverage (spot special colour)
- Please observe the special notes on print file creation of the forgery-proof black light-reactive ink (creating a "UV" special colour, 100 % magenta, overprint)

from James Mchugh

from Lee Faichney
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